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February 27, 2022

Don't Waste What God Has Entrusted to You

Speaker: Martin Manten Series: None Topic: Morning Service Scripture: Matthew 7:1–5

1. Be discerning

2. Learn from examples

3. Know your responsibilities and limitations

4. Timing

5. Trust the sovereignty of God

6. Never give up

7. Don't forget

other sermons in this series

Feb 16


The Churche’s Duties Toward Elders

Speaker: Cha Lo Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:17–22 Series: None

Feb 9


The Shepherd of Our Souls

Speaker: Alberto Gurrieri Scripture: Psalm 23:1–4 Series: None

Feb 2


Citizenship Worthy of the Gospel of Christ

Speaker: John Helmberger Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Series: None