Singing the Old One Hundredth
Speaker: Stephen Lonetti Series: None Topic: Morning Service Scripture: Psalm 100
The Command to Shout Joyfully and Serve Gladly (1-3)
A. This Command is Universal – it is for “all the earth!”
B. Reason for such joyful shouting and glad service…
The Command to Praise God with Thanksgiving (4-5)
A. This Praise is a Public Confession
B. Reason for the Praise and Thanksgiving
other sermons in this series
Feb 16
Feb 9
The Shepherd of Our Souls
Speaker: Alberto Gurrieri Scripture: Psalm 23:1–4 Series: None
Feb 2
Citizenship Worthy of the Gospel of Christ
Speaker: John Helmberger Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Series: None