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February 11, 2018

The Bread From Heaven

Speaker: Stephen Lonetti Series: The Bread of Life Topic: The Life of Christ Scripture: John 6:22–34

1.      Pursuing Jesus for all the Wrong Reasons (22-26)


2.      The Work that Leads to Eternal Life (27-29)


3.      The Bread from Heaven (30-34)



other sermons in this series

Mar 25


Rejection and Reception

Speaker: Stephen Lonetti Scripture: John 6:60–71 Series: The Bread of Life

Mar 18


A Scandalous Command

Speaker: Stephen Lonetti Scripture: John 6:52–59 Series: The Bread of Life

Mar 11


A Case of Mistaken Identity

Speaker: Stephen Lonetti Scripture: John 6:41–51 Series: The Bread of Life